Church Service at 10:30 a.m.

Special Services at designated times throughout the year, Sunday School during the Church service. In the summer we hold our services in our Air-conditioned hall.



"Creating into a Mystery" Prayer Shawl Group meets the first and third Tuesday of the month 10:30 am in the fellowship room.  There is always an open invitation to join us.      This is a time of prayer, meditation, coversation as items of comfort are created come and join this circle of support and care.

If you know of someone who is in need of a prayer shawl  - please come and choose one, to let us know if one is need for someone.  There is a blessing presented with the shawl. 


 U.C.W. is held the second Tuesday of every month .  This group usually hold their meeting over the lunch hour and discuss upcoming events at the church .


Ladies in Fellowship and Fun Together (LIFFT)    This event is held several times a year.  The evening begins with coffee and dessert and then is usually followed with a speaker or a craft.  The idea of this group is to create new friends but also to keep the golden friendships that we have.

Everyone is welcome watch for the next date we are having a meeting.


Bible Study Group-  If you have questions about the bible you would enjoy this group, they explore the interpretations of the bible over coffee in our fellowship room .  The meetings are usually  held on the second and fourth Wednesday  of the month at 10:30 am


Euchre Games and Dessert-  This is another fun time we share with the community.  Euchre games are held every other Thursday,  the games start at 1:30 p.m.  A light lunch and coffee is served after the games.   These will resume again in September. 


Please feel free to call the office 519-631-4558 or e-mail us at for information on any of these groups.





victorian  Tea 

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