Christian Family Sunday/Mother’s Day/Earth Sunday
May 9, 2021
60 West Avenue, St. Thomas 519- 631-4558 e-mail:
website: Minister: The People of St.Andrew’s
Pastor: Rev. Cheryl Bolton Ministry of Music: Lynn Sloan
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to this community of faith, fellow members of the family of God! God’s love is here for you. We abide in Christ Jesus, in love and compassion. May our spirits be renewed and our connection to God be strengthened through our worship today. AMEN.
Lighting the Christ Candle -
As the first rays of dawn spread across the sky, shining in the empty tomb, revealing the wonder of resurrection,
so may the glory of resurrection shine in our hearts, souls and faces, revealing hope and promise to the world around us.
Call to Worship
Loving, creative God, we praise and bless you for your mighty acts of creation. As we gather here this day we hear your message of power and love through the witness of Jesus Christ as he prepared his disciples for his departure. He gave to them the words of encouragement about living in your love, and through that love being witnesses to the whole world of your peace and hope. Be with us this day, Lord. Open our hearts and minds to receive your word. AMEN.
Gathering Hymn: We Praise You, O God - 218 VU
Prayer of Confession
Jesus, friend and brother,
you taught us to abide in your generous love, for it completes our lives and gives us joy; you ask us to love others as you have loved us, for it brings your creation to fruition. We sometimes struggle to love the people in our lives as you have loved us. Forgive us, we pray, and teach us your love again. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Long ago Jesus said to his disciples “I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from [God]. You did not choose me, but I chose you!” Jesus speaks these words to us today. Jesus forgives us and chooses us to be his friends, sharing his great work of love. Hallelujah!
Scripture Reading: John 15: 9-17
Meditation: “That You May Love One Another” Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King - VU217
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
Almighty Lord, Heavenly Father, Mothering God, beyond our understanding, yet from deep within our hearts we cry out to you. As your beloved children, we bring before you all that we are: sorrow, pain, hope, joy.
Compassionate God:
Console those denied the chance to celebrate Mother’s Day – the abandoned, the separated, the disappointed; bring us all together as your family of faith. Sustain those who mourn loved ones; for whom today is a day of grief.
Comfort us with the wellspring of our memories.
Unifying God:
Inspire us to advocate for peace, and guide us to see the part we can play in creating harmony in this world. Reconcile us to each other, that we might embody your forgiveness and live as one.
Bountiful God:
Kindle in us a celebration of the diversity of all families, of all shapes and sizes,
of all colours and faiths.
Teach us to grow in compassion and understanding, remembering that even with our differences we are all your children.
Nurturing God:
Encourage us to share in the joy and effort of making healthy, peaceful communities. Open our hearts to reach out to our neighbours in charity and acceptance.
Mothering God,
beyond our understanding, yet from deep within our hearts, we reach up to you:
Take us up in your arms and heal us.
Bend down to us and feed us.
Wrap us in your bands of love.
Glory be to you O Lord; your comfort and care know no bounds. May we rest in your abundant love, which nurtures us from age to age, Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Final Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth - 226 VU
Commissioning and Benediction
Go in joy and faithfulness, knowing that you, the chosen family of God, abide in God’s love and bear the gift of this love to the world.Amen
This Sunday is Christian Family Sunday/Mother’s Day so to celebrate Rev. Cheryl will be at the Church from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m to hand out Family Fun Packs! Please drive by the church and pick up a pack (one pack per family, please) and enjoy some family time together, there is something for everyone to enjoy! This is a drive- by only event, please stay in your vehicle!